4 AB Week 33

Publikoval Petra Wernischová
Datum 11.4.2021
4 AB Week 33


1. Vyhledávám informace o vybraném zvířeti projektu Amazing animals/termín dokončení 29.4./
2. Ke zpracování projektu v Powerpiontu nebo na plakátě/A3/ využívám následující pokyny a otázky 1-6
3. Vymýšlím 3 otázky pro své spolužáky

                               Project Amazing animals / Unit 7 / SB 114-129

  1. Choose the animals that you like
  2. Click on the link https://www.zskunratice.cz/ucitele/predmety-skolni-vzdelavaci-program/anglicky-jazyk/4-rocnik/4ab-week-29-petra-w-and-tereza-h.10169
  3. Do research / write notes into the notebooks about your favorite and interesting animals
  4. Make the project: create the poster on the paper/ cartoon size A3 or=nebo:

make presentation in PowerPoint or Word

1. Answer the question. What´s your favorite animal? If you do not have a favorite, what animal do you find interesting?                      Shledávát/považovat zajímavý

My favorite animal is a dog. Dogs are my favorite animals.

I find …………………….  interesting.

2. Where do they live? Where do they come from? Odkud pocházejí?

They live on the land / in the river / in the sea / in the air / in the forest / in the rain forest/ in the trees /underground, in the jungle, on the farm

They live in the wild or with people

They come from Africa / Australia / Asia / South America / North America / India.

3. Describe your favorite animal.

There are many types of horses/ snakes. They are big or small. Jsou velcí nebo malí.

What size are they? They are huge=obrovský / big / small/ tiny=maličký animals.

 They are domestic / wild / farm animals. They are mammals / birds / reptiles.

They are black or brown = černý nebo hnědý,  white, spotty, striped, fast, lazy=líný, hardworking=pilný, cute, dangerous, tall, fat, furry, strong, clever, funny…. more in videos in the link 

They have got/ haven´t got  +Sb. 122, 123 + more in videos

They have got a long, fat, short body, neck, tail, a hard shell, a big/small head, a fluffy tail

They have got short/long, sharp legs, teeth, floppy ears=ohybný, měkký, svěšený

4. What can they do? How do they move?

They can run very fast, swim very well=velmi dobře, jump from tree to tree very fast

 But they can´t fly

5. What do they eat?  

They eat grass, seeds, meat, carrots, bamboo, worms, hay=seno, lettuce=hlávkovy salát…….. They like to eat…



6. Do you know some weird fact about the animal?

Did you know that…a male ostrich can roar like a lion? / female

                            .... the world’s tiniest monkey is about the size of a banana?

                        ......... some squierrls can fly?

                     .............. rabbits prefer healthy food over junk food?


  1. Ask your schoolmate at least 3 questions= napiš přinejmenším 3 otázky pro své spolužáky

Are the …. dangerous?

Have the ………got ……….?

Can the …………………fly?

Do they eat....?